Travel Information

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The town of Futaleufu is located in the Lakes Region, Region X in the Province of Palena in Northern Patagonia.  It is 156 km (97 miles) inland from the coastal town of Chaiten, the regional capital.

From Puerto Montt:

  • By air: From Puerto Montt to Chaiten from airports Tepual or La Paloma (45 min flight). After landing in Chaiten you will need to take a bus or private shuttle to Futaleufu (3 hour drive). You can also hire a private charter from Puerto Montt directly to the aerodrome in Futaleufú (2 hour flight).

Operating Airlines:

Address: Aeródromo La Paloma Angar 7 y 8 Pto. Montt Tel: (65) 262300 – (65)741347 Cel: 98842643 /
AeroTaxis del Sur
Address: Condomino Avellanos de Trapen, Parcela Nº 11 Pto. Montt Tel: (65) 252523 / /

  • By Sea: From Puerto Montt to Chaiten in a Ferry (10 hours) and from Chaitén overland to Futaleufu (3 hours).

Operating Ferries:

Naviera Austral
Address: Angelmó # 2187 Pto. Montt Tel: (65) 270430 – Fax (65)270415 /

  • Overland by Road: From Puerto Montt to Osorno then over the  Cardenal Samore Pass going to Argentina: Villa La Angostura, Bariloche, El Bolson, Esquel, Trevelin to Futaleufu. You can travel by private car or public bus, departing from Puerto Montt. The border crossings between Arentina and Chile are only open during the day. Travel schedules should ensure that you arrive at the Futaleufu border crossing before it closes.

Operating Bus Companies:

Feryval: Tel: (65) 721312 Address: Pedro Aguirre Cerda # 415.

Trans Austral: Tel:(65) 721360 Address: Balmaceda esq. A. Prat.

Transporte Lago Espolón: Tel: (65)721215 Address: Pedro Aguirre Cerda # 505.

  • Public Transport through Argentina: There are a number of  bus lines with routes between San Carlos de Bariloche and Esquel. It is possible to get a bus from Puerto Montt to Bariloche, then a second bus from Bariloche to Esquel. You can then hire a taxi to take you to the Chilean frontier. Call the Hosteria Rio Grande and we can have transport arranged to pick you up at the border, a 10 km trip.

The Hosteria Rio Grande is a Lodge in Futaleufu offering year round lodging in all seasons. During the tourist season we specialize in adventure travel, offering connections to activities like:  rafting, kayaking,  fly fishing, horseback riding, and more.  Make our lodge in Futaleufu your choice for lodging in Futaleufu.